Peraturan Am
General Rules 2024
Istiadat Konvokesyen UTHM kali ke-24
akan diadakan pada tarikh 7 hingga 12 Disember 2024
The Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) will be conducted from December 7th, 2024, to December 12th, 2024
1.1 Graduan DIMESTIKAN membuat PENGESAHAN KEHADIRAN melalui Portal rasmi Konvokesyen di laman sesawang UTHM (e-konvo) selewat-lewatnya LIMA (5) hari sebelum Istiadat Konvokesyen yang telah ditetapkan oleh Universiti.
1.1 It is COMPULSORY for all graduands to CONFIRM THEIR ATTENDANCE via the Official Convocation Portal no later than FIVE (5) days before the Convocation Ceremony.
1.2 Graduan akan dikenakan caj kehadiran yuran konvokesyen mengikut pilihan status kehadiran.
1.2 All graduands will be charged convocation fees according to their attendance status.
1.3 Graduan DIMESTIKAN menyelesaikan semua hutang pengajian dan apa-apa bayaran yang berkaitan termasuk yuran konvokesyen melalui portal e-payment.
1.3 It is COMPULSORY for all graduands to ensure that there are NO OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS in their student accounts, including convocation charges. Any outstanding payments should be made via e-payment portal.
1.4 Graduan DIMESTIKAN mengisi soal selidik berikut :
1.4 It is COMPULSORY for all Graduands to answer the following surveys:
1.5 Graduan DIMESTIKAN mencetak dan membawa surat jemputan graduan dan borang pinjaman set pakaian konvokesyen semasa berurusan berkaitan dengan konvokesyen.
1.5 It is COMPULSORY for all graduands to provide the printed version of the Graduation Invitation Letter and Academic Attire Rental Form to address any enquiries regarding the Convocation Ceremony.
1.6 Graduan yang telah membuat pengesahan kehadiran hendaklah mengambil set pakaian konvokesyen di Aras Atas, Dewan Peperiksaan (Blok F2).
1.6 Graduands who have confirmed their attendance to the Convocation Ceremony can collect their rented Academic Attire in the Examination Hall, Upper Floor (Block F2).
1.7 Graduan DIMESTIKAN mematuhi jadual waktu pengambilan set pakaian konvokesyen yang ditetapkan seperti berikut:
Graduands are required to adhere to the opening hours for the Convocation Attire collection counter, as listed below:
1.8 Graduan DIMESTIKAN menghadiri sesi raptai penuh yang dijadualkan pada 6 Disember 2024 (Jumaat), jam 2.30 petang. Graduan dimestikan memakai pakaian sopan sepertimana yang ditetapkan oleh Universiti.
1.8 It is COMPULSORY for all graduands to attend a full rehearsal on Friday, December 6th, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. Please adhere to the dress code stipulated by the University.
1.9 Graduan DIGALAKKAN untuk menonton video Tatacara Pemakaian Set Pakaian Konvokesyen & Etika Di Atas Pentas. *Video akan dimuat naik kemudian.
1.9 It is COMPULSORY for all graduands to watch the briefing session video on the procedure for wearing the Academic Attire and the proper conduct while on stage during the Convocation Ceremony. *Video will be uploaded soon.
2.1 Graduan dimestikan hadir selewat-lewatnya 30 minit sebelum kaunter pendaftaran dibuka dengan membawa surat jemputan graduan semasa pendaftaran. Graduan akan diberi nombor giliran dan kad RFID semasa pendaftaran.
2.1 Graduands should arrive at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia no later than 30 minutes before the Convocation Ceremony commences. It is COMPULSORY for all graduates to bring a printed version of the Convocation Invitation Letter during the registration process. Graduates are advised to ensure that they receive a queue number and an RFID card during the registration process.
2.2 Sesi pendaftaran akan dibuka seperti jadual berikut :
2.2 The registration sessions shall be conducted according to the stipulated times listed in the table below:
2.3 Graduan DIMESTIKAN memakai set pakaian konvokesyen lengkap sebelum membuat pendaftaran.
2.3 It is COMPULSORY for all graduates to wear the full set of Convocation Attire during the Convocation Ceremony registration process.
2.4 Ibu / bapa / pengiring adalah TIDAK DIBENARKAN mengiringi graduan ketika berurusan di kaunter pendaftaran.
2.4 Graduates’ parents/guardians are NOT ALLOWED to accompany them during the registration process.
2.5 Graduan DIMESTIKAN mengambil tempat duduk mengikut nombor giliran yang ditetapkan.
2.5 Graduates SHALL BE seated according to the assigned queue number.
2.6 Graduan DILARANG membawa masuk ke dalam dewan barang-barang persendirian (kamera, tablet atau pelbagai peralatan teknologi maklumat (gajet) dan makanan serta minuman kecuali telefon bimbit. UNIVERSITI berhak menahan barang-barang tersebut dan tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan barang-barang persendirian tersebut.
2.6 Graduates are NOT ALLOWED to bring any personal items (such as cameras, tablets, communication devices, food, or drinks) inside the Convocation Hall, except for mobile phones. The University RESERVES THE RIGHT to withhold these items and shall not be responsible for any damage or loss of the items.
2.7 Ketika majlis sedang berlangsung, graduan dan para jemputan hendaklah menghormati keharmonian perjalanan majlis dan terus berada di tempat duduk sepanjang majlis.
2.7 Graduates and guests are required to respect the seriousness of the Convocation Ceremony by behaving appropriately, refraining from making noise, and remaining seated at all times while the ceremony is in progress.
3.1 Kaunter Pemulangan set pakaian konvokesyen akan dibuka di Dewan Peperiksaan, F2 Aras Atas. Kaunter pemulangan Set Pakaian Konvokesyen akan dibuka mulai 7 HINGGA 12 DISEMBER 2024.
The returning counter will be open at the Examination Hall, Upper Floor (Block F2). The counter will be open from December 7th until December 12th, 2024.
3.2 Graduan perlu mengemukakan surat jemputan graduan semasa pemulangan Set Pakaian Konvokesyen.
3.2 It is COMPULSORY for all graduates to provide a printed copy of the Graduation Invitation Letter when returning the rented convocation attire.
3.3 Graduan yang GAGAL membuat pemulangan set pakaian konvokesyen selepas tarikh peminjaman yang telah ditetapkan, caj pemulangan lewat akan dikenakan sebanyak RM50 sehari termasuk hari cuti/kelepasan am.
3.3 Graduates who FAIL to return their convocation attire after the specified borrowing date will be charged a late fee of RM50 per day, including public holidays.
3.4 Pihak universiti BERHAK untuk mengambil apa-apa tindakan undang-undang sekiranya graduan gagal mematuhi Peraturan Peminjaman Dan Pemulangan Set Pakaian Konvokesyen yang telah ditetapkan.
3.4 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia RESERVES THE RIGHT to impose charges and/or pursue legal action as compensation for the loss or damage of the academic attire, or for any breach of the terms and conditions of the convocation attire rental.
3.5 Graduan akan dikenakan bayaran ganti rugi set pakaian konvokesyen sekiranya ROSAK atau HILANG.
3.5 Graduates will be required to pay compensation in the event of loss or damage to the convocation attire.
4.1 Graduan berstatus Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) yang berkeadaan cacat anggota kaki atau menyukarkan pergerakan adalah disarankan untuk membawa kerusi roda milik persendirian. Sila berhubung dengan Petugas Konvokesyen sekiranya memerlukan bantuan ketika sesi pendaftaran dan sepanjang istiadat berlangsung.
4.2 Graduates with disability status (particularly those with limb deformities) are strongly advised to bring their own wheelchair to the Convocation Ceremony. Graduates should contact the Convocation Officers during the registration process if they need assistance with this issue.
Graduan yang tidak mematuhi syarat dan peraturan yang dinyatakan di atas TIDAK DIBENARKAN untuk menyertai Istiadat Konvokesyen ini.
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia reserves the right to prohibit graduates from participating in the Convocation Ceremony should they breach any terms and regulations of the ceremony.
6.1 Graduan boleh melayari Portal Rasmi Konvokesyen ke-24 untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini.
6.1 Information on the UTHM 24th Convocation Ceremony will be frequently updated on our Official Convocation Portal.
6.2 Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-24, sila hubungi Pejabat Pengurusan Akademik (PPA) di:
6.2 Any enquiries regarding the UTHM 24th Convocation Ceremony should be addressed to the UTHM Office of Academic Management (AMO).
- Telephone: 07-4537696 / 7682 / 7685
- Telegram: